[2019-05-13] 高密度金属氢中的反常
[2019-04-24] 基于兰州重离子加速器装置的高能量密度物理相关研究介绍
[2019-04-10] 基于LAMOST巡天数据的银河系早期演化与并合研究
[2019-04-08] 激光惯性约束聚变及温热稠密物质辐射特性实验研究进展
[2019-03-28] 动态压缩科学的新需求与挑战:从原子看世界的科学认识
[2019-03-14] Attoclock Measurements
[2018-11-19] Dynamical systems approach to complex systems and neural networks
[2018-06-19] 氧化钚表面水吸附脱附行为的动力学研究
[2018-06-19] Self-energy effects and energy band theory for warm dense matter
[2018-06-01] 材料内部微细观缺陷的动态演化规律实验研究
[2018-05-23] A Scale-up Nanoporous Membrane Centrifuge for Reverse Osmosis Desalination
[2018-05-23] 奇性和几乎奇性问题的多重网格方法
[2018-05-23] 无碰撞冲击波与ICF黒腔动理学效应研究
[2018-03-27] 激光驱动球形汇聚等离子体聚变研究-理论与实验
[2018-03-20] 神光III原型轻重介质流体力学不稳定性实验
[2018-03-13] 非平衡温稠密物质中的电子动力学
[2018-03-06] 激光等离子电子加速进展与可能应用
[2017-11-03] 聚变能源研究的挑战
[2017-04-20] Multiscale and Multiphysics Simulation of Composite Materials with FOOF (Finite element solver based on Object-Oriented Fortran) Environment
[2017-04-18] Magnetostriction Power Generation — Energy Harvesting Material for IoT System without Battery
[2017-04-17] Domain Decomposition Methods for Time Harmonic Waves
[2017-04-13] 结构动力学的连续阻尼模型及其应用
[2016-12-08] 惯性约束聚变混合驱动点火途径
[2016-11-14] Revealing Novel Phases and Laser-Matter Interactions under Extreme Conditions
[2016-07-22] Some techniques for building Artificial Boundary Conditions for Schrödinger equations
[2016-07-21] From attobeams to Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities: kinetic plasma modelling at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre
[2016-05-25] 强场物理理论与实验研究最新进展
[2016-04-26] Transport Bifurcation in Plasma Interchange Turbulence
[2016-03-31] Improving Energy Coupling for Fast Ignition
[2016-03-22] 高性能粒子模拟(PIC)算法
[2016-03-14] High power laser driven ion and neutron sources -- overview of research activities at QUB
[2015-12-29] Quantized vortex stability and dynamics in superfluidity and superconductivity
[2015-12-19] Nanostructure surface passivation and ligand induced surface morphology changes
[2015-12-08] 激光聚变高能量密度流体不稳定性研究 & 神光装置II升级装置间接驱动快点火内爆靶的理论设计和分析
[2015-12-01] 聚变堆包层材料的氚氦损伤问题
[2015-11-24] Stimulus Responsive Polymers Composites: Recent Status and Future Perspective
[2015-11-17] In situ characterization of defect-twin boundary interactions under heavy ion irradiation
[2015-11-03] Numerical simulation and theoretical analysis of the quantum transport equation
[2015-10-27] A Multiscale Micromorphic Molecular Dynamics (MMMD) and Its Applications
[2015-10-19] Measuring Matter at Solar Interior Conditions
[2015-10-13] 高能量密度物理学简介
[2015-09-15] Modeling and Simulation Challenges in Materials Design for Additive Manufacturing Applications
[2015-09-01] 离子密度扰动下的双等离子体波衰变
[2015-06-02] Superatoms: A Strategy for Designer Materials
[2015-05-30] 关于温/热稠密物质辐射性质的细致谱线研究和状态方程研究的分子动力学研究
[2015-05-26] 复杂流体系统的离散Boltzmann建模、模拟与分析
[2015-05-19] 强激光在临界面附近空间不均匀性的匀滑化研究
[2015-05-12] 六孔球腔研究进展
[2015-04-15] 系列报告——Milos M. Skoric
[2015-04-07] 核聚变堆关键结构材料的第一性原理研究
[2015-03-27] 激光固体靶相互作用和超热电子束聚焦效应研究
[2015-03-17] 中心博士研究生最新科研成果报告
[2014-12-23] 高功率短脉冲激光场与物质相互作用中的几个热点问题
[2014-12-16] Computational Design of New Energy Materials and its Challenges
[2014-12-04] 强激光场中原子分子双电离过程研究
[2014-11-04] 激光黑腔等离子体非线性不稳定性过程研究
[2014-10-28] Simulation of Optical Properties of Nanostructures
[2014-10-28] Towards Real Dream Beams: Key Physics of the Blowout Regime of Wakefield Acceleration and Recent Progress of L2PA at Tsinghua University
[2014-10-28] 钨纤维增强Zr基金属玻璃复合材料长杆弹侵彻钢靶试验研究与数值仿真
[2014-10-28] Multiscale Crystal Defect Dynamics:A dual-lattice process zone model to nanoscale plasticity
[2014-10-28] 一般动理学方程的模型约化
[2014-10-28] 直接驱动惯性约束聚变和激波点火中的1/4临界密度面附近的激光等离子体不稳定性
[2014-10-28] Bringing astrophysics to laboratories
[2014-10-28] 快速做功非等压中心点火模型
[2014-10-28] Ab initio and atomistic simulations of aqueous environments and nanomaterials for energy applications and material design
[2014-10-28] Ab initio study of thermodynamically consistent physical properties of warm dense plasma
[2014-10-28] 壁流动转捩中的拉格朗日结构演化研究
[2014-04-15] 膨胀态铍状态方程和光学性质的量子分子动力学模拟研究
[2014-04-08] 数值相对论和双黑洞模拟
[2013-05-07] 工学院特邀报告通知
[2013-04-23] 薛建明副教授报告通知
[2013-03-19] 刘杰研究员报告通知
[2013-03-13] 傅立斌博士报告通知
[2013-02-22] 北京大学工学院特邀报告通知
[2013-01-08] 博士后、博士生学术活动午餐会通知
[2012-12-21] 卢脁副教授报告通知
[2012-12-13] 范征锋博士报告通知
[2012-11-15] 乔宾博士报告通知
[2012-10-10] 陈军研究员报告通知
[2012-09-26] 刘海风研究员报告通知
[2012-09-07] 郑春阳研究员报告通知
[2012-08-17] Predrag Cvitanovic报告通知
[2012-07-11] Hanchen Huang博士报告通知
[2012-06-12] Hanchen Huang博士报告通知
[2012-04-28] 胡新博士报告通知
[2012-03-27] 王聪报告通知
[2011-11-27] 马琰铭教授报告通知
[2011-11-20] 马琰铭教授报告通知
[2011-11-05] Prof. Albert C.To 报告通知
[2011-11-04] 周培源讲座(第一期)
Copyright: Center for Applied Physics and Technology, Peking University Room 402, Engineering Building 1, Peking University, Bejing, 100871, China
Tel: 86-10-62753944 E-mail: ganqiumei@pku.edu.cn