报告人:Milos M. Skoric (National Institutes for Fusion Sciences, Japan)
地 点:工学院1号楼210
主持人:乔宾 特聘研究员
4月15日周三 12:15-13:15,题目Solitons in Plasmas;
4月21日周二 12:15-13:15,题目Chaos in Plasmas;
4月28日周二 12:15-13:15,题目Ponderomotive force and magnetization;
5月5日周二 12:15-13:15,题目Turbulence and structures
Milos M. Skoric, received B.Sc. and M.Sc.(1973/76) in Electrical Engineering from University of Belgrade, Serbia (ex-Yugoslavia) and D.Sc. (1981) from University of Utrecht, Netherlands. From 1978-81, was a research fellow at University of Oxford. From 1977- to present, was at the national, Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, on leave (2005-2015), as a tenured, full- time Professor at NIFS (National Institute for Fusion Science)/Sokendai (Graduate University for Advanced Studies), Japan. After an initial spell on EMP transients, most of the career devoted to theory and simulations of nonlinear physics of plasmas. In particular, on solitons and Langmuir turbulence, ponderomotive and self-magnetization effects, nonlinear laser-plasma interaction and anomalous SRS, complexity and self-organization, relativistic plasmas and ultra-fast phenomena. Was invited lecturer at many international conferences & IAEA-UNESCO-ICTP, Trieste college. Published, over 200 papers with half in international journals, and the Book for Springer-Verlag.Was privileged to meet, discuss and collaborate with a number of colleagues from IAPCM/CAPT,with first ties three decades ago, with Professor He Xiantu, Academican and a world ICF leader.Currently, MM Skoric is a Full Professor and Science Adviser at the Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade and the Emeritus professor of NIFS and Sokendai (Japan).