
The Universe in a Computer Shell

报告人:王力乐 助理教授(北大科维里天文与天体物理研究所)



  The speaker will briefly overview some critical issues in computational astrophysics. We will discuss the most commonly utilized methodologies and their applications in solving several contemporary astrophysical problems, including exoplanet atmospheres, planet formation, interstellar or intergalactic media, and cosmological structure formation. Our efforts in these realms will also be introduced, including some recent thoughts and progress about heterogeneous computing and "AI in science."

Lile Wang is an assistant professor of the KIAA in Peking University. He got his B.S. in Physics from Tsinghua University in 2012, and his PhD in Astrophysical Sciences from Princeton University in 2018, before his post-doctoral studies in the Center for Computational Astrophysics of the Flatiron Institute. He is now mainly interested in developing consistent methods for GPU-accelerated real-time computation methods.

主持人:陈默涵 研究员(北京大学应用物理与技术研究中心)
时  间:2023年5月18日(周四)12:20

地  点:北京大学工学院1号楼210会议室

Copyright: Center for Applied Physics and Technology, Peking  University Room 402, Engineering Building 1, Peking University, Bejing,  100871, China

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