报告人:Dr. Peng Yuankai (彭元凯)(新奥聚变能源技术研发中心)
A new fusion energy R&D effort EXL-50 (新奥玄龙-50) was launched October 2018 at ENN to test and explore a new p-11B plasma magnetic containment technology that could far exceed the temperatures (~20keV) assumed by the ITER design. As 100-200keV plasma temperatures would be required, a key R&D goal is to establish a physics basis for plasma energy confinement times that exceed by one-order of magnitude the ITER confinement scaling law times calculated using the parameters obtained on EXL-50. The seminar will highlight the theoretical model assumed prior to the construction of EXL-50; its contrast with the prior state-of-art of tokamak and spherical tokamak plasma science; notable experimental physics progress obtained during 2020 when the design toroidal magnetic field plus substantial 28-GHz power become available; near-term research goals and challenges; a next-step EXL-75 design concept and R&D goals; and frontier scientific and technology research topics emerging from the EXL-50 R&D。
彭元凯博士,新奥能源研究院聚变技术首席科学家、玄龙聚变项目负责人。于美国斯坦福大学获得应用物理博士学位,在美国橡树岭国家实验室(ORNL)从事聚变科技研发工作40年。1986年提出球形托卡马克磁约束位形,1997-2007 美国能源局派任美国普林斯顿等离子体物理实验室(PPPL)国家球形环实验(NSTX)项目负责人。曾兼任中科大客座教授及中国科学院等离子体物理研究所特聘研究员。现在新奥能源研究院从事聚变能源研发工作。累计做国际会议学术报告近 100次,发表国内国际论文200 余项。
主持人:张维岩 院士(北京大学应用物理与技术研究中心)
时 间:2021年5月20日(周四)中午12:20
地 点:北京大学工学院一号楼 210 会议室