Email: cai_hongbo@iapcm.ac.cn
1998.9—2002.7 浙江大学物理系 理学学士
2002.9—2007.7 中国工程物理研究院 理学博士
2007.9—2009.9 日本大阪大学激光工程研究所 博士后
2010.1—2014.10 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所 副研究员
2014.10—至今 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所 研究员
北京大工学院CAPT研究中心 研究员(兼职)
近年来,在Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. E, Nuclear Fusion等期刊上发表科技论文40余篇,并荣获日本大阪大学激光工程研究所(ILE)2009年度最佳研究进展奖(Most Progressed Research at ILE, 排第一位),入选中国工程物理研究院“双百人才”计划。
1. WenShuai Zhang, Hongbo Cai*, Liulei Wei, Jianmin Tian, Shaoping Zhu*, "Enhanced ion acceleration in the ultra-intense laser driven magnetized collisionless shocks", New Journal of Physics, 21, 043026 (2019).
2. Liulei Wei, Hongbo Cai*, Wenshuai Zhang, Jianmin Tian, Enhao Zhang, JunXiong, Shaoping Zhu*, Acta Phys. Sin. 68, 094101 (2019)(in Chinese).
3. L.Q. Shan, Hongbo Cai* et al., " Experimental evidence of kinetic effects in indirect-drive inertial confinement fusion hohlraums", Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 195001 (2018).
4. W.S. Zhang, Hongbo Cai *, S.P. Zhu, " The formation and dissipation of electrostatic shock waves: The role of ion-ion acoustic instabilities", Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 60, 055001 (2018).
5. W.S. Zhang, Hongbo Cai *, L.Q. Shan et al., "Anomalous neutron yield in indirect-drive inertial-confinement-fusion due to the formation of collisionless shocks in the corona", Nucl. Fusion 57,066012 (2017).
6. Hongbo Cai *, C.T. Zhou, Q. Jia et al., ”Laser-driven relativistic electron beam for fast ignition ”, High Power Laser and Part. Beams, 27, 032001 (2015).
7. X.T. He*, Hongbo Cai * et al. , “Physical Studies of Fast ignition in China”, Plasma Phys. Controll. Fusion, 57, 064003 (2015).
8. Q. Jia, K. Mima*, Hongbo Cai * et al, “Self-generated magnetic dipoles in weakly magnetized beam-plasma system”, Phys. Rev. E 91, 023107 (2015).
9. Min-Qing He, Hongbo Cai *, Hua Zhang, Quan-Li Dong, Cang-Tao Zhou, Si-Zhong Wu, Zheng-Ming Sheng et al., A spherical shell target scheme for laser-driven neutron sources, Physics of Plasmas 22, 123103 (2015).
10. Wen-shuai Zhang, Hongbo Cai *, and Shao-ping Zhu, Guiding and focusing of fast electron beams produced by ultra-intense laser pulse using a double cone funnel target, Physics of Plasmas 22, 103109 (2015).
11. Hongbo Cai *, S.Z. Wu, J.F. Wu, M. Chen, H. Zhang, M.Q. He, L.H. Cao, C.T. Zhou, S.P. Zhu, and X.T. He, “Review of the current status of fast ignition research at the IAPCM”, High Power Laser Science and Engineering 2, 1 (2014).
12. Hongbo Cai, S. P. Zhu, X. T. He, “Effects of the imposed magnetic field on the production and transport of relativistic electron beams”, Phys. Plasmas 20, 072701 (2013).
13. Hongbo Cai *, S.P. Zhu, X.T. He, and K. Mima, “Study on magnetic field generation and electron collimation in overdense plasmas”, EPJ Web of Conference 59, 17017 (2013).
14. Q. Jia, Hongbo Cai *, W. W. Wang, S. P. Zhu, Z.M. Sheng, and X.T. He, “Effects of the background plasma temperature on the current filamentation instability”, Phys. Plasmas 20, 032113 (2013).
15. W.W. Wang, H.B. Cai, Q. Jia, and S.P. Zhu, “Collisional effects on the generation of fast electrons in fast ignition scheme”, Phys. Plasmas 20, 012703 (2013).
16. Hongbo Cai *, S. P. Zhu, M. Chen, S. Z. Wu, X. T. He, and K. Mima, “Magnetic-field generation and electron-collimation analysis for propagating fast electron beams in overdense plasma”, Phys. Rev. E 83, 036408 (2011).
17. Hongbo Cai *, S. P. Zhu, X. T. He, S. Z. Wu, M. Chen, C. T. Zhou, W. Yu, and H. Nagatomo, “Magnetic collimation of fast electrons in specially engineered targets irradiated by ultraintense laser pulses”, Phys. Plasmas 18, 023106 (2011).
18. Hongbo Cai *, K. Mima, A. Sunahara, T. Johzaki, H. Nagatomo, S. P. Zhu and X. T. He, “Prepulse effects on the generation of high energy electrons in fast ignition scheme”, Phys. Plasmas 17, 023106 (2010).
19. Hongbo Cai, T. Johzaki, A. Sunahara, H. Nagatomo, and K. Mima, “Collimation of relativistic laser-generated high energy electron beams via double cone target in fast ignition scheme”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 244, 022030 (2010).
20. Hongbo Cai *, K. Mima, W. M. Zhou, T. Jozaki, H. Nagatomo, A. Sunahara, and R. J. Mason, “Enhancing of the number of high energy electrons deposited to a compressed pellet via double cones in fast ignition”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102,245001 (2009).