电话: 010-61935176(办公室)
E-mail: Xu_Aiguo@iapcm.ac.cn, ag_xu8009@163.com
已完成如下科研项目:归国留学人员基金项目“介观物理模拟方法及其在复杂流体中的应用”、计算物理重点实验室项目“冲击作用下非均质材料的介观模拟”、国家自然科学基金项目“格子玻尔兹曼方法及其在复杂流体中的应用”(批准号为10775018)和“冲击与爆轰相关的复杂、多相流体系统研究”(批准号为11075021)、中国工程物理研究院发展基金项目“非均质材料冲击响应过程的模拟研究”(批准号:2009B0101012,被评为“优秀”课题)、“辐照金属材料塑性的微、介观研究”(批准号:2007B09012,参与)、“金属材料微介观结构和物性的大规模粒子模拟研究”( 批准号:2009A0102005,参与,被评为“优秀”课题)。
目前承担如下科研项目:中国工程物理研究院发展基金项目“冲击作用下的界面不稳定性等复杂过程与致稳机制” ( 批准号:2012B0101014)、中国工程物理研究院发展基金重点项目“延性金属动态拉伸损伤断裂机理及物理判据研究” (批准号:2011A0201002,子项目负责人)、爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室开放课题“材料冲击响应、动态损伤和破坏的模拟研究” (批准号:KFJJ14-1M)、理论物理国家重点实验室开放课题“复杂系统动力学输运过程的微观机制”(批准号:Y4KF151CJ1,参与)。
1. 使用离散玻尔兹曼方法研究非平衡相变的工作[Physical Review E 84, 046715 (2011)] 被收录 PRE Kaleidoscope
2. 借助形态分析方法确定相变动理学过程中“亚稳相分解(Spinodal Decomposition)“和”相畴增长(Domain Growth)“两个阶段分界点的工作 [EPL 97, 44002 (2012)]被收录 EPL Highlights of 2012
3. 应邀为《物理学进展》2014年第34卷第3期设计以“LBKM粗粒化建模与模拟“为主题的封面图
4. 许爱国、张广财、张平,“复杂构型与动态物理场的描述、建模与分析”,计算物理重点实验室创新奖,2012年12月
5. 张广财、张平、许爱国,“材料中的微介观结构与非平衡效应”, 计算物理重点实验室创新奖,2013年12月
6. 许爱国、张广财、张平、刘兴平、蔚喜军、卢果、赵艳红,“冲击与爆轰过程中的微介观结构与非平衡行为研究”,北京应用物理与计算数学研究所亮点工作奖,2013年12月。
1. Aiguo Xu. Simulation Study on Shock Wave Reaction on Porous Materials. The 2nd China-Brazil Scientific Computing Conference, Beijing, from June 27 - July 1, 2011. Chairman: Nelson Ebecken (COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil) .
2. Aiguo Xu. Lattice Boltzmann modeling of compressible fluids: non-equilibrium effects. The 22nd International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Mechanics (DSFD)”, Yerevan, Armenia, from July 15-19, 2013. Chairman: Sauro Succi (Italy).
3. Aiguo Xu. Simulation study on nonequilibrium and multiphase flows: Lattice Boltzmann theory and its applications. West-Lake International Workshop on Statistical Physics and Complex Systems, Hangzhou, China, from November 8 – 10, 2013. Chairman: Bing-Hong Wang
4. Aiguo Xu. Discrete Boltzmann modeling and simulation of high Mach compressible flows (tentative title). The 2nd International Conference on High Energy Density Physics (ICHEDP), Peking University, China, from September 21 – 24, 2014. (to be presented)
专著章节: ? Guangcai Zhang, Aiguo Xu, Guo Lu,General Index and Its Application in MD Simulations, Chapter 14, pp. 361 - 400 in 《Molecular Interactions》 Edited by Aurelia Meghea,InTech,Croatia 2012. (14200 words)
1. 许爱国、张广财、李英骏、李华. 非平衡与多相复杂系统模拟研究 — Lattice Boltzmann 动理学理论与应用. 物理学进展 34, 136 (2014).
2. Aiguo Xu, Guangcai Zhang, Yanbiao Gan, Feng Chen, Xijun Yu. Lattice Boltzmann modeling and simulation of compressible flows. Frontiers of Physics 7, 582 (2012).
3. 朱建士、胡晓棉、王裴、陈军、许爱国. 爆炸与冲击动力学若干问题研究进展. 力学进展 40, 400 (2010).
4. 许爱国、王光瑞、陈式刚、杨展如. 不公度相与公度-不公度相变:一维情形. 物理学进展 19, 109 (1999).
1. Chuandong Lin, Aiguo Xu*, Guangcai Zhang, Yingjun Li, Sauro Succi. Polar-coordinate lattice Bolztamm modeling of compressible flow. Physical Review E 89, 013307 (2014).
2. Wei-Wei Pang, Ping Zhang, Guang-Cai Zhang, Ai-Guo Xu, and Xian-Geng Zhao. Morphology and growth speed of hcp domains during shock-induced phase transition in iron. Scientific Reports 4, 3628 (2014).
3. Wei-Wei Pang, Ping Zhang, Guang-Cai Zhang, Ai-Guo Xu, and Xian-Geng Zhao. Nucleation and growth mechanisms of hcp domains in compressed iron. Scientific Reports (2014, in press).
4. Aiguo Xu, Guangcai Zhang, Yangjun Ying, Xijun Yu. Simulation study on cavity growth in ductile metal materials under dynamic loading. Frontiers of Physics 8, 394 (2013)
5. Guoyong Yuan, Huan Zhang, Aiguo Xu, and Guangrui Wang. Attractive and repulsive contributions of localized excitability inhomogeneities and elimination of spiral waves in excitable media. Physical Review E 88, 022920 (2013).
6. Yanbiao Gan, Aiguo Xu*, Guangcai Zhang and Yang Yang. Lattice BGK kinetic model for high-speed compressible flows: Hydrodynamic and nonequilibrium behaviors. EPL 103, 24003 (2013).
7. Bo Yan, Aiguo Xu*, Guangcai Zhang, Yangjun Ying, Hua Li. Lattice Boltzmann model for combustion and detonation. Frontiers of Physics 8, 94 (2013).
8. Yanbiao Gan, Aiguo Xu*, Guangcai Zhang, Ping Zhang, Yingjun Li. Lattice Boltzmann study of thermal phase separation: Effects of heat conduction, viscosity and Prandtl number. EPL 97, 44002 (2012).
9. Yanbiao Gan, Aiguo Xu*, Guangcai Zhang, Yingjun Li, Hua Li. Phase separation in thermal systems: A lattice Boltzmann study and morphological characterization. Physical Review E 84, 046715 (2011).
10. Yanbiao Gan, Aiguo Xu*, Guangcai Zhang, Yingjun Li. Lattice Boltzmann study on Kelvin-Helmholtz instability: Roles of velocity and density gradients. Physical Review E 83, 056704 (2011).
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