- 在激光等离子体物理研究方面,已开展强流粒子束在稠密度等离子中输运的关键物理与关键模拟技术研究、超高强激光辐照CH 靶高能质子产生与加速的研究、超相对论电子与正电子束在等离子中的尾场加速等研究。现主要研究方向为:高能量密度物理相关问题研究、特别是惯性约束聚变中的快点火物理理论与模拟研究。
- 在非线性物理的研究工作中,过去近二十年来的研究主要集中在非线性基础理论与应用方面。在理论研究方面,已开展过的工作包括研究无穷维动力系统中的斑图动力学、时空混沌、混沌同步化与控制、混沌数字序列等方面;在基础应用方面,已从事过的工作有:非线性科学在国防科技中的工程应用研究(包括研发非线性信号处理理论与算法、实时信号处理软件、硬件测量系统),特别是非线性在地振波传感器、水下声音、直升机声音、雷达信号、通信信号、EM波及ECG信号等研究领域的应用,混沌在现代数字通信中的系统设计问题,以及TW激光在大气中成丝等问题。
1. Dong Wu, Chunyang Zheng, Cangtao Zhou, Xueqing Yan, Mingyang Yu, and Xiantu He, Suppressing longitudinal double-layer oscillations by using elliptically polarized laser pulses in the hole-boring radiation pressure acceleration regime, Physics of Plasmas 20, 023102, 2013
2. Fanglan Zheng, Sizhong Wu, Hua Zhang, Taiwu Huang, Mingyang Yu, Cangtao Zhou, and Xiantu He, Preplasma effects on the generation of high-energy protons in ultraintense laser interaction with foil targets, Physics of plasmas 20, 123105, 2013
3. Taiwu Huang, Cangtao Zhou, H. Zhang, and Xianu He,Effects of higher-order Kerr nonlinearity and plasma diffraction on multiple filamentation of ultrashort laser pulses in air,Physics of Plasmas 20, 072111, 2013
4. Taiwu Huang, Cangtao Zhou, and Xianu He, Pattern dynamics and filamentation of femtosecond terawatt laser pulses in air including the higher-order Kerr effects, Phsical Review E 87, 053103, 2013
5. Dong Wu, Chunyang Zheng, Cangtao Zhou, Xueqing Yan, Mingyang Yu, and Xiantu He, Suppressing longitudinal double-layer oscillations by using elliptically polarized laser pulses in the hole-boring radiation pressure acceleration regime, Physics of Plasmas 20, 023102, 2013
6. Fanglan Zheng, Sizhong Wu, H. C. Wu, Cangtao Zhou, Hongbo Cai, Mingyang Yu, T. Tajima, Xueqing Yan, and Xiantu He, Laser-driven collimated tens-GeV monoenergetic protons from mass-limited target plus preformed channel,Physics of Plasmas 20, 013107, 2013
7. Taiwu Huang, Cangtao Zhou, and Xian-Tu He, Propagation of femtosecond terawatt laser pulses in N2 gas including higher-order Kerr effects, Aip Advances 2, 042190, 2012
8.22. F. L. Zheng, S. Z. Wu, C. T. Zhou, H. Y. Wang, X. Q. Yan and X. T. He, An ultra-short and TeV quasi-monoenergetic ion beam generation by laser wakefield accelerator in the snowplow regime, European Physics Letters, 95 (2011) 55005