Contact Information
Tel: 010-59872169
Ph. D. in Fluid mechanics, July 2004, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
M.S. in Computational mechanics, July 2000, Jilin University, Changchun, China
B.S. in Theoretical and applied mechanics, July 1997, Jilin University, Changchun, China
Working Experiences
2017 — present, Professor, Center for Applied Physics and Technology, Peking University, China
2011 — present, Professor, Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics (IAPCM), China
2006 — 2011, Associate Professor, IAPCM, China
2004 — 2005, Assistant Professor, IAPCM, China
Research Areas
Numerical simulation of compressible multi-material and multiphase flows
Rayleigh-Taylor/ Richtmyer-Meshkov interface instability and turbulent mixing
High order and high resolution numerical methods for fluid mechanics
Interested Research Areas in CAPT
Numerical simulation and mechanism research of RT/RM instability and turbulent mixing at high energy density conditions
Grants and Awards
Principal Investigator (PI), The integration development and application of high efficient numerical software for nuclear dynamics, (2015.1~2018.12), NSFC (Grant No. 11472059).
PI, The study of multifluid numerical methods based on mixing model, (2012.1~2015.12), NSFC (Grant No. 21273012).
Common PI, Numerical methods for fluid mechanics at high energy physics conditions, (2017.1~2020.12), NSAF(Grant No. U1630247)
Selected Publications
1. Fujie Gao; Yousheng Zhang; Zhiwei He; Baolin Tian*, Formula for growth rate of mixing width applied to Richtmyer-Meshkov instability, The Physics of Fluids, 2016.11.1, 114101(28):114101 ~ 114117
2. Zhi-Rui Zhou, You-Sheng Zhang, and Bao-Lin Tian, Dynamic evolution of Rayleigh-Taylor bubbles from sinusoidal,W-shaped and random perturbations, Physical Review E, 97, 033108 (2018)
3. You-sheng Zhang; Zhi-wei He; Fu-jie Gao; Xin-liang Li; Bao-lin Tian*, Evolution of mixing width induced by general Rayleigh-Taylor instability, Physical Review E, 2016., 93(063102): 063102-01~063102-53.
4. Zhiwei He; Yousheng Zhang; Xinliang Li; Li Li; Baolin Tian*, Preventing numerical oscillations in the flux-split based finite difference method for compressible flows with discontinuities , Journal of Computational Physics, 2015.11.1, 300: 269~287
5. Zhiwei He; Baolin Tian*; Yousheng Zhang; Fujie Gao, Characteristic-based and interface-sharpening algorithm for high-order simulations of immiscible compressible multi-material flows, Journal of Computational Physics, 2016.12.27, 333: 247-268
6. Tian Baolin* ; E. F. Toro; C. E. Castro, A path-conservative method for a five-equation model of two-phase flow with an HLLC-type Riemann solver, Computers & Fluids, 2011, 46(1): 122~132
Recent Publications (After come to PKU in 2011)
1. Fujie Gao ; Yousheng Zhang; Zhiwei He; Li Li; Baolin Tian*, Characteristics of turbulent mixing at late stage of the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability, AIP Advances, 2017.7.31, 075020(7)
2. Jin Qi, Baolin Tian* and Jiequan Li, A High-Resolution Cell-Centered Lagrangian Method with a Vorticity-Based Adaptive Nodal Solver for Two-Dimensional Compressible Euler Equations, Commun. Comput. Phys., Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 774-790
3. Yaqun Yu; Baolin Tian* ; Zeyao Mo, Hybrid monotonicity-preserving piecewise parabolic method for compressible Euler equations, Computers & FLuids, 2017, 159: 1~8
4. Zhiwei He; Yousheng Zhang; Fujie Gao; Xinliang Li; Baolin Tian*, An improved accurate monotonicity-preserving scheme for the Euler equations, Computers & Fluids, 2016.11.25, 140(25):1 ~ 10
5. Jun-Bo Cheng; Weizhang Huang; Song Jiang; Baolin Tian, A third-order moving mesh cell-centered scheme for one-dimensional elastic-plastic flows, Journal of Computational Physics, 2017.8.12, 349:137 ~ 153
6. Yan Liu; Weidong Shen; Baolin Tian; De-kang Mao, A two dimensional nodal Riemann solver based on one dimensional Riemann solver for a cell-centered Lagrangian scheme, Journal of Computational Physics, 2015.3.1, 284:566 ~ 594
7. Yousheng Zhang; Zhiwei He; Xinliang Li; Baolin Tian, The Realization of Non-reflecting Boundaries for Compressible Rayleigh-Taylor Flows with Variable Acceleration Histories, Procedia Engineering, 2015, 126:118 ~ 122
8. Junxia Cheng; Baolin Tian, Elimination of hourglass distortions by means of the Lagrangian–Gauss-point-mass method for compressible fluid flows, Computers & Fluids, 2015.8.15, 116:148 ~ 157
9. Ping Fan; Yiqing Shen; Baolin Tian; Chao Yang, A new smoothness indicator for improving the weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme, Journal of Computational Physics, 2014.7.15, 269:329 ~ 354
10. Liang Pan; Guiping Zhao; Baolin Tian; Shuanghu Wang; A Gas Kinetic Scheme for the Simulation of Compressible Multicomponent Flows, Communications in Computational Physics, 2013, 14:1347 ~ 1371
11. Cunbiao Lee,Tiegang Liu, Tim Reis, Tian Baolin, Manfred Krafczyk, Li-Shi Luo, Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science, 2017, Computers & Fluids 155:1-2
12. Zhideng Zhou, Guodong Jin, Tian Baolin, Jian Ren, Hydrodynamic force and torque models for a particle moving near a wall at finite particle Reynolds numbers, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 92:1-19,2017
13. Zhiwei He; Yousheng Zhang; Xinliang Li; Baolin Tian*, Preventing numerical oscillations in the flux-split based finite difference method for compressible flows with discontinuities, II, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2015.8.7, 80(5):306 ~ 316
14. Yan Liu, Baolin Tian,Weidon Shen,Song Jiang, Application of MFCAV Riemann Solver to Maire's Cell-Centered Lagrangian Method, Journal of Computational Mathematics,2015,33(2):128~145 ;
15. Zhiwei He,Yousheng Zhang,Xinliang Li,Baolin Tian*, Preventing numerical oscillations in the flux-split based finite difference method for compressible flows with discontinuities, II, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,2015.8.7,80(5):306~316 ;
16. Jiequan Li, Baolin Tian, Shuanghu Wang, Dissipation matrix and artificial heat conduction for Godunov‐type schemes of compressible fluid flows, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,2016 , 84 (2)