Guest Professor

Xian-Tu He

Director, Center for Applied Physics and Technology 

Contact Information 



1957-1962 : Department of Physics at the Zhejiang University 
1986-1987: Advanced study and visiting scientist at University of Maryland 

Current Research interest 
Pattern dynamics and spatiotemporal chaos in laser-plasma interaction; 
Charged particle acceleration in strong field generated by intense-laser plasma interaction;
Betatron radiation of relativistic electrons in the high electromagnetic fields generated by intense laser matter interaction; 
Nonideal plasma (warm dense matter-WDM) physics; 
Atomic ionizations under intense lasers; 
ICF target physics (indirect-direct hybrid drive, indirect drive with high power pulse, fast ignition);
Hydrodynamics instabilities and compressible turbulence in implosion dynamics.

Recent Publications

  • Over 200 publications & over 60 plenary invited talks in international conferences Selected 20 Papers: 
    1. Cong Wang, Yao Long, Xian-Tu He,…, and Ping Zhang, Transport properties of dense deuterium-tritium plasmas, PHYS.REV.E 88,013106(2013). 
    2. Dong Wu, C.Y.Zheng, and X.T.He, Dynamics of ultra-intense circularly polarized solitons under inhomogeneous plasmas, PHYS.PLSMAS 20,063106(2013). 
    3. Jianchun Wang,…, X.T.He, and Shiyi Chen, Cascade of kinetic energy in three-dimensional compression turbulence, PHYS.REV. LETT. 110, 214505(2013). 
    4. T.W.Huang, C.T.Zhou, and X.T.He, Pattern dynamics and filamentation of femtosecond terawatt laser pulses in air including higher-order Kerr effects, PHYS.REV.E 87, 053103(2013). 
    5. Cong Wang, …, Xian-Tu He, and Ping Zhang, Equations of state and transport properties of warm dense beryllium:A quantum molecular dynamics study, PHYS.REV.E 87, 043105(2013). 
    6. Dong Wu,C.Y.Zheng,…,and X.T.He, Suppressing longitudinal double-layer oscillation by using elliptically polarized Laser pulses in the hole-boring radiation pressure acceleration regime, PHYS.PLSMAS 20,023102(2013). 
    7. Yanto Yang, Jianchun Wang, Yipeng Shi, Zuoli Xiao, X.T.He, and Shiyi Chen, Acceleration passive tracers in compressible turbulence, PHYS.REV. LETT. 110, 064503(2013). 
    8. B.Liu,…, and X.T.He, Generating overcritical density relativistic electron beams via self-matching resonance acceleration, PHYS.REV. LETT. 110, 045002(2013). 
    9. L.F.Wang, W.H.Ye, X.T.He, W.Y.Zhang,…,M.Y.Yu, Formation of jet-like spikes from ablative Raylrigh-Taylor instability, PHYS.PLSMAS 19,100701(2012). 
    10. Hong Liu,…,Jie Liu, X.T.He, …, Low yield of near-zero-momentum electrons and partial atomic stabilization in strong-field tunneling ionization, PHYS.REV. LETT. 109, 093001(2012). 
    11. C.Y.Wu, Y.D.Yang, Y.Q.Liu, Q H.Gong, M.Wu, X.Liu, X.L.Hao, W.D.Li, X.T.He, and J.Chen, Characteristic spectrum of very low-energy photoelectron from above-threshold ionization in the tunneling regime, PHYS.REV. LETT. 109, 043001(2012). 
    12. Z.M.Zhang, X.T.He, Z.M.Sheng, and M.Y.Yu, Hundreds MeV monoenergetic proton bunch from interaction of 10^20-21w/cm^2 circularly polarized laser pulse with tailed complex target, APPL.PHYS.LETT.100, 134103(2012). 13. Jianchun Wang,Yipeng Shi,…X.T.He, and Shiyi Chen, Scaling and statistics in three-dimensional compressible turbulence, PHYS.REV. LETT. 108, 214505(2012). 
    14. Quan-Li Dong, …, Xian-Tu.He, …,and Jie Zhang, Plasmoid ejection and secondary current sheet generation from magnetic reconnection in laser- plasma interaction, PHYS.REV. LETT. 108, 215001(2012). 
    15. Cong Wang, Xian-Tu He,Ping Zhang,The equation of state, electronic thermal conductivity, and opacity of hot dense deuterium-tritium plasmas , PHYS.PLSMAS 19,042702(2012). 
    16. F.L.Zheng,H.Y.Wang,….and X.T.He, Sub-TeV proton beam generation by ultra-intense laser irradiation of foil-and-gas target, PHYS.PLASMAS 19, 023111(2012). 
    17. H.Y.Wang, C.Lin, …, X.T.He, J.E.Chen, and X.Q.Yan, laser shaping of a relativistic intense, short Gaussian pulse by a plasma lens, PHYS.REV. LETT. 107, 265002(2011). 
    18. W.H.Ye, X.T.He, W.Y.Zhang and M.Y.Yu, Effect of preheating on the nonlinear evolution of the ablative Rayleigh-Taylor instability, EUROPHYS. LETT. 95, 35002(2011). 
    19. Cong Wang,Xian-Tu He,Ping Zhang,Ab initio simulations of dense Helium plasma, PHYS.REV.LETT.106, 145002(2011) 20. C.T. Zhou, X.T.He and L.Y.Chew, Intense Short-pulse lasers irradiating wire and hollow plasma fibers, OPTICS LETT.36,924(2011).



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