Guest Professor

Shaoqiang Tang

Deputy director, Center for Applied Physics and Technology 
Director, Key Laboratory of High Energy Density Physics Simulations, Ministry of Education


Contact Information

Tel: 010-62755410



1995 PhD in Applied Mathematics, HKUST, Hong Kong, Adviser: Prof Din-Yu Hsieh 
1990-1992 MPhil Student, Mathematics Institute, Academia Sinica, Adviser: Prof Ling Hsiao 
1990 BSc in Mathematics & BEng in EEE, University of Science and Technology of China 

Working Experiences
1997– Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, Peking Univ. 
2007– Deputy Director, Center for Applied Physics and Technology, Peking Univ. 
2010.12– Director, Key Lab of High Energy Density Physics Simulations, Ministry of Education 
2009–2013 Associate Dean, College of Engineering, Peking Univ. 
2005–2009 Assistant Dean, College of Engineering, Peking Univ. 
2005–2011 Adjunct Professor, Zhou Peiyuan Center for Applied Mathematics, Tsinghua Univ.
2004–2005 Visiting Associate / Visiting Assoc. Prof., Appl. & Comput. Math., Caltech 
2000–2002 Researcher, Dept. of Math. & Stat., Univ. of Konstanz, Germany 
1999–1999 CNRS-Wong fellow, MIP, Universite Paul Sabatier, France 
1998 Visitor, IAC CNR, Rome, Italy 
1995–1997 Postdoctoral fellow, Math. Inst., Academia Sinica 

Research Areas
Computational Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: multiscale simulations, scientific computing


Grants and Awards 
2013 Teacher of Excellence Award: Beijing Municipal Government
2009 Ten Best Teachers of Peking University Award: Students Union & Graduate Students Union of Peking Univ. 
2008 Excellence of Teaching Award: Peking Univ.

2006 New Century Excellent Talents in University: Ministry of Education. 
2002 Ten Best Teachers of Peking University Award: Students Union & Graduate Students Union of Peking Univ. 

Selected Information 
1. Ling Hsiao, and Shaoqiang Tang, Construction and Qualitative Behavior of Solutions of Perturbated Riemann Problem for the System of One-Dimensional Isentropic Flow with Damping, J. Diff. Eqs. 123(2):480-503(1995). 
2. Din-Yu Hsieh, Shaoqiang Tang, Xiao-Ping Wang, and Li-Xin Wu, Dissipative Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Chaos, Studies in Applied Mathematics 101:233-266(1998). 
3. Roberto Natalini, and Shaoqiang Tang, Discrete Kinetic Models for Dynamical Phase Transitions, Comm. Appl. Nonlinear Anal. 7(2):1-32(2000). 
4. Jose A. Carrillo, Ansgar Juengel, and Shaoqiang Tang, Positive Entropic Scheme for a Fourth-order Parabolic Equation, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series B.3(1):1-20(2003). 
5. Ansgar Juengel, and Shaoqiang Tang, Numerical approximation of the viscous quantum hydrodynamic model for semiconductors, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 56(7):899-915 (2006) 
6. Shaoqiang Tang, Thomas Y. Hou, and Wing Kam Liu, A pseudo-spectral multiscale method: interfacial conditions and coarse grid equations, J Comput Phys. 213(1):57-85(2006) 
7. Shaoqiang Tang, Thomas Y. Hou, and Wing Kam Liu, Mathematical framework of bridging scale method, Int J Numer Methods Engrg. 65(1):1688-1713 (2006) 
8. Shaoqiang Tang, A finite difference approach with velocity interfacial conditions for multiscale computations of crystalline solids, J Comput Phys. 227:4038-4062 (2008). 
9. Gang Pang, and Shaoqiang Tang, Time history kernel functions for square lattice, Computational Mechanics, 48(6):699-711 (2011). 
10. Xianming Wang, and Shaoqiang Tang, Matching boundary conditions for lattice dynamics. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 93(12):1255-1285(2013). 

Recent Publications 
1. Michael Dreher and Shaoqiang Tang, Time history interfacial conditions in multiscale computations of lattice oscillations, Computational Mechanics. 41:683-691(2008) 
2. Ping Wang, Jianbo Zhao, and Shaoqiang Tang. Dynamic simulation for hysteresis in shape memory alloy under tension, Chin Phys Lett. 25(5): 1788-1791 (2008). 
3. Xin Hu, Shaoqiang Tang, and Maxime Leroux, Stationary and transient simulations for a one-dimensional resonant tunnelling diode, Comm. Comput. Phys. 
4(5):1034-1050 (2008) 4. Ming Fang, and Shaoqiang Tang, Efficient and robust design for absorbing boundary conditions in atomistic computations, Chin Phys Lett 26(11):116201 (2009). 
5. Shaoqiang Tang, A two-way interfacial condition for lattice simulations, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2(1):45-55 (2010). 
6. Shaoqiang Tang, and Ming Fang, Unstable surface modes in finite chain computations: deficiency of reflection coefficient approach, Comm. Comput. Phys., 8(1):143-158 (2010). 
7. Xianming Wang, and Shaoqiang Tang, Analysis of multi-transmitting formula for absorbing boundary conditions, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering 8(2):207-220 (2010). 
8. Xianming Wang, and Shaoqiang Tang, Matching boundary conditions for diatomic chains, Computational Mechanics 46(6):813-826 (2010). 
9. Gang Pang, Lei Bian, and Shaoqiang Tang, Almost exact boundary condition for one-dimensional Schrodinger equation, Physical Review E 86(6):066709(2012). 
10. Ming Fang, Shaoqiang Tang, Zhihui Li, and Xianming Wang, Artificial boundary conditions for atomic simulations of Face-Centered-Cubic lattice. Computational Mechanics. 50(5):645-655 (2012). 
11. Ming Fang, Xianming Wang, Zhihui Li, Shaoqiang Tang, Matching Boundary Conditions for Scalar Waves in Body-Centered-Cubic Crystalline Solids. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,5(3):337-350(2013). 
12. Wenwei Jiang; Shaoqiang Tang; Xianming Wang; Dong Qian, Generalized Matching Boundary Conditions based on Fourier Transform Technique, Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics. 
13. Shaoqiang Tang, Songsong Ji. Stability of Atomic Simulations with Matching Boundary Conditions, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Accepted. 
14. Shaoqiang Tang, Accurate boundary treatments for concurrent multiscale simulations. in Multiscale Simulations and Mechanics of Biological Materials (S Li and D Qian eds.). pp21-42. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 978-1-1183-5079-9 Hardcover 480 pages, April 2013. 


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