Email: chen_jing@iapcm.ac.cn
1999年7月 中国工程物理研究院研究生院 博士学位
1996年7月 中国工程物理研究院研究生院 硕士学位
1992年7月 中国科学技术大学近代物理系理学学士
2010/03- 至今 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所第八研究室 研究员
2005/01-2010/03 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所第八研究室 副研究员
2003/04-2004/11 美国堪萨斯大学化学系 访问学者
2001/06-2003/04 韩国高等科学技术研究院物理系 访问学者
1999/07-2001/06 中科院理论物理研究所 博士后
在中心 研究方向:强场下原子物理
1. “利用强场电离诱导的荧光辐射实现分子低能轨道重构”入选中国激光杂志社评选的“2013年中国光学重要成果”。
2. 中红外波段阈上电离能谱“低能结构”的发现入选国家十一五期间重大基础研究进展。
3. 阈上电离能谱“非常低能结构”的发现被评为2012年中国高等学校十大科技进展之一。
为Phys. Rev. Lett.、Phys. Rev A、Opt. Exp.、Opt. Lett.、Phys. Lett.、Chin. Phys. B和Chin. Phys. Lett.等期刊的审稿人。
1. Xiaolei Hao, Jing Chen, Weidong Li, Bingbing Wang, Xiaodong Wang, and Wilhelm Becker, Quantum effects in double ionization of Ar below the threshold intensity, Physical Review Letters 112, 073002 (2014).
2. Jinping Yao, Guihua Li, Xinyan Jia, Xiaolei Hao, Bin Zeng, Chenrui Jing, Wei Chu, Jielie Ni, Haisu Zhang, Hongqiang Xie, Chaojin Zhang, Zengxiu Zhao, Jing Chen, Xiaojun Liu, Ya Cheng, and Zhizhan Xu, Alignment-dependent fluorescence emission induced by tunnel ionization of carbon Dioxide from lower-lying orbitals, Physical Review Letters 111, 133001 (2013).
3. L. Guo, S. S. Han, X. Liu, Y. Cheng, Z. Z. Xu, J. Fan, J. Chen, S. G. Chen, W. Becker, C. I. Blaga, A. D. DiChiara, E. Sistrunk, P. Agostini, and L. F. DiMauro, Scaling of the low-energy structure in above-threshold ionization in the tunneling regime: theory and experiment, Physical Review Letters 110, 013001 (2013).
4. C. Y. Wu, Y. D. Yang, Y. Q. Liu, Q. H. Gong, M. Wu, X. Liu, X. L. Hao, W. D. Li, X. T. He, and J. Chen, Characteristic Spectrum of Very Low-Energy Photoelectron from Above-Threshold Ionization in the Tunneling Regime, Physical Review Letters 109, 043001 (2012).
5. Zhiyang Lin, Xinyan Jia, Chuanliang Wang, Zilong Hu, Huipeng Kang, Wei Quan, Xuanyang Lai, Xiaojun Liu, Jing Chen, Bin Zeng, Wei Chu, Jinping Yao, Ya Cheng, and Zhizhan Xu, Ionization Suppression of Diatomic Molecules in an Intense Midinfrared Laser Field, Physical Review Letters 108, 223001 (2012).
6. H. Kang, W. Quan, Y. Wang, Z. Lin, M. Wu, H. Liu, X. Liu, B. B. Wang, H. J. Liu, Y. Q. Gu, X. Y. Jia, J. Liu, J. Chen, Y. Cheng, Structure Effects in Angle-Resolved High-Order Above-Threshold Ionization of Molecules, Physical Review Letters 104, 203001 (2010).
7. W. Quan, Z. Lin, M. Wu, H. Kang, H. Liu, X. Liu, J. Chen, J. Liu, X. T. He, S. G. Chen, H. Xiong, L. Guo, H. Xu, Y. Fu, Y. Cheng, Z. Z. Xu, Classical Aspects in Above-Threshold Ionization with Mid-infrared Strong Laser Field, Physical Review Letters 103, 093001(2009).
8. Jing Chen and Chang Hee Nam, Ion Momentum distributions for He Single and Double ionization in Strong Laser Fields, Physical Review A 66, 053415(2002).
9. Jing Chen, Jie Liu, Li-bing Fu, and Wei-mou Zheng, Interpretation of Momentum distribution of Recoil Ions from Laser induced Nonsequential Double Ionization by Semiclassical Rescattering model, Physical Review A 63, 011404(R) (2000).
1. ZiLong Hu, XuanYang Lai, XiaoJun Liu, and Jing Chen, Above-threshold ionization of diatomic molecules in an intense laser field: Molecular alignment effects, Physical Review A 89, 043401 (2014).
2. Wei Quan, XuanYang Lai, YongJu Chen, ChuanLiang Wang, ZiLong Hu, XiaoJun Liu, XiaoLei Hao, Jing Chen, Elvedin Hasovic, Mustafa Busuladzic, Dejan B. Milosevic, and Wilhelm Becker, Quantum Orbits: a Powerful Concept in Laser-Atom Physics, Chin. J. Phys. 52, 389 (2014).
3. Guihua Li, Jinping Yao, Chaojin Zhang, Bin Zeng, Wei Chu, Jielei Ni, Jing Chen, Zhinan Zeng, Ruxin Li, Ya Cheng, and Zhizhan Xu, High-Order Harmonic Generation Driven by Two-Color Laser Fields, Chin. J. Phys. 52, 366 (2014).
4. Lin Zhiyang, Wu Mingyan, Quan Wei, Liu Xiaojun, Chen Jing, and Cheng Ya, Coulomb Effect on Low-energy Structure in Above-threshold Ionization Spectra Induced by Mid-infrared Laser Pulses, Chin. Phys. B 23, 023201 (2014).
5. Yan Li, S. P. Yang, J. Liu, J. Chen, and J. Fan, Non-sequential double ionization of diatomic molecules: alignment dependence of electron correlation, Journal of Physics B 47, 045601 (2014).
6. Kui Zhang, Jing Chen, Xiaolei Hao, Panming Fu, Zongchao Yan, and Bingbing Wang, Terrace-like structure in the above-threshold ionization spectrum of an atom in an IR+XUV two-color laser field, Physical Review A 88, 043435 (2013).
7. Guihua Li, Jinping Yao, Haisu Zhang, Chenrui Jing, Bin Zeng, Wei Chu, Jielie Ni, Hongqiang Xie, Xiaojun Liu, Jing Chen, Ya Cheng, and Zhizhan Xu, Influence of ionization suppression on high-harmonic generation in molecules: dependent of cutoff energy on driver wavelength, Physical Review A 88, 043401 (2013).
8. Xinyan Jia, Xiaolei Hao, Daihe Fan, Weidong Li, and Jing Chen, S-matrix and semiclassical study of electron-electron correlation in strong-field nonsequential double ionization of Ne, Physical Review A 88, 033402 (2013).
9. Wei Quan, Xuanyang Lai, Yongju Cheng, Chuanliang Wang, Zilong Hu, Xiaojun Liu, Xiaolei Hao, Jing Chen, Elvedin Hasovic, Mustafa Busuladzic, Wilhelm Becker, and Dejan B. Milosevic, Resonancelike enhancement in high-order above-threshold ionization of molecules, Physical Review A 88, 021401(R) (2013).
10. Wu Mingyan, Wang Yanlan, Liu Xiaojun, Li Weidong, Hao Xiaolei, and Chen Jing, Effect of electron intitial longitudinal velocity on low-energy structure in above-threshold ionization spectra, Chinese Physics Letters 30, 073202 (2013).
11. Xiaolei Hao, Xuling Zhang, Weidong Li, and Jing Chen, Suppressing the effect of polarization in tunneling ionization of the hydrogen atom, Physical Review A 87, 045403 (2013).
12. Xi Zhao, Jing Chen, Panming Fu, Xueshen Liu, Zong-Chao Yan, and Bingbing Wang, Carrier-envelope-phase effect in a long laser pulse with tens of optical cycles, Physical Review A 87, 043411 (2013).
13. Mingyan Wu, Yanlan Wang, Xiaojun Liu, Weidong Li, Xiaolei Hao, and Jing Chen, Coulomb-potential effects in nonsequential double ionization under elliptical polarization, Physical Review A 87, 013431 (2013).
14. Jia Xinyan, Fan Daihe, Li Weidong, and Chen Jing, Nonsequential double ionization of nonaligned diatomic molecules N2 and O2, Chin. Phys. B 22, 013303 (2013).
15. Xuanyang Lai, ChuanLiang Wang, YongJu Chen, ZiLong Hu, Wei Quan, and XiaoJun Liu, Jing Chen, Ya Cheng, Zhizhan, Xu, Wilhelm Becker, Elliptical polarization favors long quantum orbits in high-order above-threshold ionization of noble gases, Physical Review Letters, 110, 043002 (2013).
16. L. Guo, S. S. Han, and J. Chen, Time-Energy Analysis of Above-threshold Ionization in few-cycle laser pulses, Physical Review A 86, 053409 (2012).
17. Zhen Zhai, Dian Peng, Xi Zhao, Fuming Guo, Yujun Yang, Panming Fu, Jing Chen, Zong-Chao Yan, and Bingbing Wang, Carrier-envelope-phase effect on laser-driven bound-bound transitions in the high-frequency region, Physical Review A 86, 043432 (2012).
18. Jigen Chen, Ruquang Wang, Zhen Zhai, Jing Chen, Panming Fu, Bingbing Wang, and Wu-Ming Liu, Frequency-selected enhancement of high-order-harmonic generation by interference of degenerate Rydberg states in a few-cycle laser pulse, Physical Review A 86, 033417 (2012).
19. Hao Xiaolei, Li Weidong, Liu Jie, and Chen Jing, The effect of electron initial longitudinal velocity on non-sequential double ionization process in elliptically polarized laser field, Chin. Phys. B 21, 083304 (2012).
20. Yan Xie, Weidong Xi, Suqing Duan, Ning Yang, Jing Chen, Wei Zhang, Weidong Chu, and Xian-Geng Zhao, Conditional photon-assisted transport in coupled quantum dot, Applied Physics Letters 100, 153105 (2012)
21. Yan Xie, Suqing Duan, Wei Zhang, Jing Chen, and Weidong Chu, Elliptically polarized harmonic emission in a quantum dot, Journal of Applied Physics 111, 054309 (2012).
22. Wei Chu, Mingyan Wu, Bing Zeng, Jinping Yao, Jielei Ni, Hui Xiong, Han Xu, Zhiyang Lin, Huipeng Kang, Wei Quan, J. Chen, X. Liu, Ya Cheng, and Zhizhan Xu, Unexpected breakdown of Simpleman’s model for strong-field photoionization in the high energy recollision region, Physical Review A 85, 021403(R) (2012).
23. Bingbing Wang, Yingchun Guo, Jing Chen, Zong-Chao Yan, and Panming Fu, Frequency-domain theory of nonsequential double ionization in intense laser fields based on nonperturbative QED, Physical Review A 85, 023402 (2012).
24. Xiaolei Hao, Weidong Li, Jie Liu, and Jing Chen, Effect of the electron initial longitudinal velocity on the nonsequential double-ionization process, Physical Review A 83, 053422 (2011).
25. Zhen Zhai, Qiren Zhu, Jing Chen, Zong-Chao Yan, Panming Fu, and Bingbing Wang, High-order harmonic generation with Rydberg atoms by using an intense few-cycle pulse, Physical Review A 83, 043409 (2011).
26. Jinping Yao, Ya Cheng, Jing Chen, Haisu Zhang, Han Xu, Hui Xiong, Bin Zeng, Wei Chu, Jielei Ni, Xiaojun Liu, and Zhizhan Xu, Generation of narrow-bandwidth, tunable, coherent xuv radiation using high-order harmonic generation, Physical Review A 83, 033835 (2011).
27. Hongyun Li, Jing Chen, Hongbing Jiang, Panming Fu, Jie Liu, Qihuang Gong, Zong-Chao Yan, and BingbingWang, Resonance enhancement of nonsequential double ionization by a magnetic field, Physical Review A 83, 013408 (2011).
28. Zhen Zhai, Jing Chen, Zong-Chao Yan, Panming Fu, and Bingbing Wang, Direct probing of electronic density distribution of a Rydberg state by high-order harmonic generation in a few-cycle laser pulse, Physical Review A 82, 043422 (2010).
29. Yao Jinping, Xiong Hui, Xu Han, Fu Yuxi, Zeng Bin, Chu Wei, Cheng Ya, Xu Zhizhan, Liu Xiaojun, Chen Jing, A systematic investigation of high harmonic generation using mid-infrared driving laser pulses, Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy 53, 1054 (2010).
30. Jinping Yao, Yao Li, Bin Zeng, Hui Xiong, Han Xu, Yuxi Fu Wei Chu, Jielei Ni, Xiaojun Liu, J. Chen, Ya Cheng, and Zhizhan Xu, Generation of an XUV supercontinuum by optimization of the angle between polarization planes of two linearly polarized pulses in a multicycle two-color laser field, Physical Review A 82, 023826 (2010).
31. Li Yan, Jia Xin-Yan, Yang Shi-Ping, Li Wei-Dong,and Chen Jing, S-matrix study on alignment dependence of single ionization of molecular ions with different active orbitals, Chinese Physics B 19, 063302 (2010).
32. Han Xu, Hui Xiong, Bin Zeng, Wei Chu, Yuxi Fu, Jingpin Yao, Jing Chen, Xiaojun Liu, Ya Cheng, and Zhizhan Xu, Wavelength scaling of elliptical-polarization dependence of high-order harmonic generation, Optical Letters 35, 472 (2010).
33. Li Yan, Yang Shiping, Jia Xinyan, and Chen Jing, Nonsequential double ionization of the aligned hydrogen molecule in strong field, Chinese Physics B 19, 043303 (2010).
34. L. Guo, S. S. Han, and J. Chen, Time-Energy Analysis of Above-threshold Ionization, Optical Express 18, 1240 (2010).
35. Yongli Yu, Junjie Xu, Yuxi Fu, Hui Xiong, Han Xu, Jinping Yao, Bin Zeng, Wei Chu, J. Chen, Ya Cheng, Zhizhan Xu, Singel attosecond pulse generation from aligned molecules using two-color polarization gating, Physical Review A 80, 053423 (2009).
36. XinYan Jia, WeiDong Li, Jie Liu, and J. Chen, Alignment-dependent nonsequential double ionization of molecule in intense laser fields: the role of different valence orbitals, Physical Review A 80, 053405 (2009).
37. Jing Chen, Bin Zeng, Xiaojun Liu, Ya Cheng, and Zhizhan Xu, Wavelength scaling of high-order harmonic yield from an optically prepared excited state atom, New Journal of Physics 9, 113021 (2009).
38. Hongyun Li, Jing Chen, Hongbing Jiang, Jie Liu, Panming Fu, Qihuang Gong, Zong-Chao Yan, and BingbingWang, Measurement of Carrier-Envelope Phase and Field Strength of a Few-Cycle Pulse by Non-sequential Double Ionization, Chinese Physics Letters 26, No. 10, 104207 (2009).
39. Xiaolei Hao, Guanqi Wang, Xinyan Jia, Weidong Li, Jie Liu, and Jing Chen, Non-sequential double ionization of Ne in an elliptically polarized intensity laser field, Physical Review A 80, 023408 (2009).
40. Shao-Ying Meng, Li-Bin Fu, Jing Chen, and Jie Liu. Linear instability and adiabatic fidelity for the dark state in a nonlinear atom-trimer conversion system. Physical Review A 79, 063415 (2009).
41. Pengfei Wei, Peng Liu, Jing Chen, Zhinan Zeng, Xiaodong Guo, Xiaochun Ge, Ruxin Li, Zhizhan Xu, Laser Field Related Recombination Interference in High-Order Harmonic Generation from CO2 molecules, Physical Review A 79, 053814 (2009).
42. Hui Xiong, Han Xu, Yuxi Fu, Jinping Yao, Bin Zeng, Wei Chu, Ya Cheng, Zhizhan Xu, Eiji J. Takahashi, Katsumi Midorikawa, X. Liu, and J. Chen, Generation of a coherent x ray in the water window region at 1 kHz repetition rate using a mid-infrared pump source, Optical Letters 34, 1747 (2009).
43. Hongyun Li, Jing Chen, Hongbing Jiang, Jie Liu, Panming Fu, Qihuang Gong, Zong-Chao Yan, and BingbingWang, Laser-assisted collision effect on non-sequential double ionization of helium in a few-cycle laser pulse , Journal of Physics B 42, 125601 (2009).
44. Yuxi Fu, Hui Xiong, Han Xu, Jinping Yao, Yongli Yu, Bin Zeng, Wei Chu,Xiaojun Liu, Jing Chen, Ya Cheng, Zhizhan Xu, Phase-matched high-order harmonic generation in a gas cell with mid-infrared femtosecond pulses, Physical Review A 79, 013802 (2009).